Consumer Manager

This kafka tool provides the ability to view and manipulate consumer offsets for a specific consumer group. For a given cluster, this tool provides us with the following functionalities:

  • Manipulating consumer-groups: Listing consumer-groups subscribed to the cluster. Copying, deleting and renaming of the group.
  • Manipulating offsets: For a given consumer-group, fetching current offsets, low and high watermarks for topics and partitions subscribed to the group. Setting, advancing, rewinding, saving and restoring of current-offsets.
  • Manipulating topics: For a given consumer-group and cluster, listing and unsubscribing topics.
  • Offset storage choice: Supports Kafka 0.8.2 and 0.9.0, using offsets stored in either Zookeeper or Kafka. Version 0 and 2 of the Kafka Protocol are supported for committing offsets.


  • copy_group
  • delete_group
  • list_groups
  • list_topics
  • offset_advance
  • offset_get
  • offset_restore
  • offset_rewind
  • offset_save
  • offset_set
  • rename_group
  • unsubscribe_topics

Listing consumer groups

The list_groups command shows all of the consumer groups that exist in the cluster.

$ kafka-consumer-manager --cluster-type=test list_groups
  Consumer Groups:

If list_groups is called with the --storage option, then the groups will only be fetched from Zookeeper or Kafka.

Listing topics

For information about the topics subscribed by a consumer group, the list_topics subcommand can be used.

$ kafka-consumer-manager --cluster-type=test list_topics group3
  Consumer Group ID: group3
      Topic: topic_foo
             Partitions: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
      Topic: topic_bar
             Partitions: [0, 1, 2]

Getting consumer offsets

The offset_get subcommand gets information about a specific consumer group.

The most basic usage is to call offset_get with a consumer group id.

$ kafka-consumer-manager --cluster-type test --cluster-name my_cluster offset_get my_group
  Cluster name: my_cluster, consumer group: my_group
  Topic Name: topic1
     Partition ID: 0
             High Watermark: 787656
             Low Watermark: 787089
             Current Offset: 787645

The offsets for all topics in the consumer group will be shown by default. A single topic can be specified using the --topic option. If a topic is specified, then a list of partitions can also be specified using the --partitions option.

By default, the offsets will be fetched from both Zookeeper and Kafka’s internal offset storage. A specific offset storage location can be speficied using the --storage option.

Manipulating consumer offsets

The offsets for a consumer group can also be saved into a json file.

$ kafka-consumer-manager --cluster-type test --cluster-name my_cluster offset_save my_group my_offsets.json
  Cluster name: my_cluster, consumer group: my_group
  Consumer offset data saved in json-file my_offsets.json

The save offsets file can then be used to restore the consumer group.

$ kafka-consumer-manager --cluster-type test --cluster-name my_cluster offset_restore my_offsets.json
  Restored to new offsets {u'topic1': {0: 425447}}

The offsets can also be set directly using the offset_set command. This command takes a group id, and a set of topics, partitions, and offsets.

$ kafka-consumer-manager --cluster-type test --cluster-name my_cluster offset_set my_group topic1.0.38531

There is also an offset_advance command, which will advance the current offset to the same value as the high watermark of a topic, and an offset_rewind command, which will rewind to the low watermark.

If the offset needs to be modified for a consumer group does not already exist, then the --force option can be used. This option can be used with offset_set, offset_rewind, and offset_advance.

Copying or renaming consumer group

Consumer groups can have metadata copied into a new group using the copy_group subcommand.

$ kafka-consumer-manager --cluster-type=test copy_group my_group1 my_group2

They can be renamed using rename_group.

$ kafka-consumer-manager --cluster-type=test rename_group my_group1 my_group2

When the group is copied, if a topic is specified using the --topic option, then only the offsets for that topic will be copied. If a topic is specified, then a set of partitions of that topic can also be specified using the --partitions option.

Deleting or unsubscribing consumer groups

A consumer group can be deleted using the delete_group subcommand.

$ kafka-consumer-manager --cluster-type=test delete_group my_group

A consumer group be unsubscribed from topics using the unsubscribe_topics subcommand. If a single topic is specified using the --topic option, then the group will be unsubscribed from only that topic.