Corruption Check

The kafka-corruption-check script performs a check on the log files stored on the Kafka brokers. This tool finds all the log files modified in the specified time range and runs DumpLogSegments on them. The output is collected and filtered, and all information related to corrupted messages will be reported to the user.

Even though this tool executes the log check with a low ionice priority, it can slow down the cluster given the high number of io operations required. Consider decreasing the batch size to reduce the additional load.


The parameters specific for kafka-corruption-check are:

  • --minutes N: check the log files modified in the last N minutes.
  • --start-time START_TIME: check the log files modified after START_TIME. Example format: --start-time "2015-11-26 11:00:00"
  • --end-time END_TIME: check the log files modified before END_TIME. Example format: --end-time "2015-11-26 12:00:00"
  • --data-path: the path to the data files on the Kafka broker.
  • --java-home: the JAVA_HOME on the Kafka broker.
  • --batch-size BATCH_SIZE: the number of files that will be checked in parallel on each broker. Default: 5.
  • --check-replicas: if set it will also check the data on replicas. Default: false.
  • --verbose: enable verbose output.


Check all the files (leaders only) in the generic dev cluster and which were modified in the last 30 minutes:

$ kafka-corruption-check --cluster-type generic --cluster-name dev --data-path /var/kafka-logs --minutes 30
Filtering leaders
Broker: 0, leader of 9 over 13 files
Broker: 1, leader of 4 over 11 files
Starting 2 parallel processes
  Broker:, 9 files to check
  Broker:, 4 files to check
Processes running: file 0 of 9 file 5 of 9
ERROR Host: /var/kafka-logs/test_topic-0/00000000000000003363.log
ERROR Output: offset: 3371 position: 247 isvalid: false payloadsize: 22 magic: 0 compresscodec: NoCompressionCodec crc: 2230473982 file 0 of 4

In this example, one corrupted file was found in broker 0.

Check all the files modified after the specified date, in both leaders and replicas:

$ kafka-corruption-check [...] --start-time "2015-11-26 11:00:00" --check-replicas

Check all the files that were modified in the specified range:

$ kafka-corruption-check [...] --start-time "2015-11-26 11:00:00" --end-time "2015-11-26 12:00:00"